Rabu, 02 April 2008

Republicans, Democrats and Clintons

I think Bill and Hillary Clinton are destroying the democratic party. I mean, come on, who believes her commander and chief blabber? I don't think Obama is the Messiah, but he's the least phoney of all 3 candidates. It would be better for America and for the whole world, if he became the president. Not only he knows how to unite Americans, he will be able to unite the rest of the world due to his background and looks and of course his character.
America should be ashamed, in 8 years of the Bush administration, they managed to tarnish it's name even in the West. Antiamericanism is everywhere in Europe. And with Obama and his message of hope we feel this resentment will slowly disappear and the ties between USA and Europe will be strong again. We think that the unilateral actions of the USA is really damaging the world peace. Well, USA has 2 oceans on every side of their country, while we have Africa and the Middle East at our door step. We can't just start wars to solve a problem in our neighbourhood. We learned this lesson. So I hope after Irak (and Vietnam) the USA should have learned this lesson, too.
I just hope that the Clintons start backing off and endorse the democratic nominee Obama to bring about a change to the US politics and foreign relations. The world is sick of Bushes and Clintons, please, USA is not a monarchy...

Or... is it?

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