Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

New low for German politics

In March 2009 was that horrible school shooting in Winnenden, Germany. A 17 year old boy killed 15 people and himself as well. Germany was in big shock. People were speechless. Two months later the politicians finally found a solution for something like that never to happen again in the future. Now you may think Germany is one of the most progressive coutries in the world. The greatest musicians, inventors and thinkers came from Germany: Goethe, Schiller, Bach, Kant, Guttenberg, Daimler... Therefore you can only expect the best solutions coming from this country. You would think to prevent school massacers, they will implement a law to ban all weapons for private ownership. I mean, why do you need a weapon, if you're not a hunter or policeman? Well... Nope. German politicians had a better idea! Among some other measures

They will ban paint ball!

"Paint ball will be banned, because it immitates shooting", explained one politician. This is where my post stops. I am speechless.

*Update: Apparently there's some people in the German government who use their brain. I just saw in the news that they will check again if the proposed ban of paintball is any good. It was said that they probably won't completely ban it, but just raise the age for those who will be allowed to play and have a tighter control over it. That happens when you act before you think. It's a disgrace.

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