Minggu, 27 April 2008

I could never learn these lyrics...

I remember as if it were yesterday. We layed on bed and you tried to teach me these lyrics...

天天都需要你爱, 我的心思由你猜, i love you,
天天把它挂嘴边, 到底什么是真爱, i love you,

I tried my best to learn, yet I failed miserably... Chinese combined with singing - that's a too tough combination for me to master...
Yesterday I found the notes and your handwriting of the lyrics. Made me think about last year, how things were, made me melancholic. I miss the closeness. Most of the time I distract myself with various things. But some days emotions gush out of me like water from some old broken pipe. I feel so pathetic. Seems I'm losing my senses. I need to forget these days and regain my strength. I need a boost, a success. I want the job I applied for, at least something to give me some confidence and strength. This week will be crucial. My hopes are set: let's anticipate and see what will happen. Keep your fingers crossed...

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