Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

I still can't be sure that Obama will win

I am not sure what to think lately... The McCain pack is trying it's hardest to label Obama with all kind of nonsense. Republican smear tactics as usual. It seems that the American people are strongly leaning towards Obama. On the other hand, I saw on TV a guy said he knows many people have lied to the pollsters. And he was expecting a big surprise. We're talking about the Bradley effect. I can say it loud and clear now: If Obama is not elected, it's because of racism! It's no other possible reason to lose at this time. You have the economy crushed, you have a dumb Sarah Palin and an old confused John McCain, virtually with same policies as Bush. So, what can make Obama lose? Racism. Simple as that. This would be devastating for America and it's standing in the world. People are not enthusiastic about McCain, to say the least. And Sarah Palin terrifies the world. Please, Americans, elect a smart president! After you saw what a dumb one can do to the USA and the rest of the world. Please! I beg you all! Go and vote, don't be lazy on tuesday! This is my small contribution to this process. I just hope I'm proven wrong and Obama wins! Hope is the only thing we can have now. Hope.

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