Minggu, 05 April 2009

Violent protesters are the left's disgrace

I just have to say, I don't understand those violent leftist protesters. I consider myself left and liberal, but I just can't get what's their objective. Why burn down some shops? It's just causing damage, but you don't change anything. You make things worse, because you give the right-wingers something they can use for political leverage. They will say nazis are on the right and same is on the left - the anarchists. It is not the same. Anarchism supposed to be a philosophy striving for the good of all people, while fascism and racism are very exclusive, they cater only too a bunch of chosen people while they discriminate others. While nowadays you see nazis in suits trying to infiltrate society from within, are the anarchists always the ones who come to peaceful demonstrations and cause violence. They are a bunch of goons with no real purpouse. Anarchy can never work! Violence never brought any good to the society. We strive for peace, freedom and harmony. If you wanna change society, be realistic and try to change it from the inside. I just hope this won't go too far. Yes, I can understand Burmese or Tibetan monks using violence, but I can't understand western anarchists. We are not surpressed here. It's far from a perfect society, but you do have the change to change it. And many did. The 1968 students protested for equality. And now USA has a black president, a woman almost became US president and we have a female German chancellor... The world did change and it will change even more. So please: Be less violent if you have the chance to bring change peacefully.

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