Kamis, 10 April 2008

I'm learning Chinese

Well, I'm learning chinese for quite a while now, maybe not with full speed and a lot of effort, but I do learn sometimes when I have nothing to do. Before I had more will power to learn, since I had a perfect teacher, who could also train the pronounciation with me. Now I'm more on my own, so I try to memorize the characters and learn the grammar. I realized, you can't pronounce properly unless a Chinese person is practising with you. You learn the rules of the tones, yet when you try on your own, it all sounds too weird. And now I know quite many characters, but too little to survive in an chinese environment. Sometimes I know some characters in a sentence, but still not enough to understand. But I do get happy like a small child, when I can read some chinese. Actually, my knowledge is like the one of a 3 years old chinese kid, hehe. Anyway, I hope I can advance. Teacher! Come back liao! Hehe.. Here's a little example of my Chinese (just introduction):你好 ! 我叫尼诺.我是从斯洛維尼亞来的. 我汉语说的不好. Did you understand?

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