Jumat, 24 April 2009

Bloggers fight for Laura Ling and Euna Lee!

Today I read that the two US journalists captured by North Korea, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, are about to be tried in Pyongyang probably for alleged espionage. We can expect this trial to be higly unfair. It is another way for the North Korean rotten dictatorship flexing it's muscles towards the rest of the world and especially towards America. I just wonder, how can we instantly have a big media outrage if something like that happens in Iran, but when it comes to this case in North Korea, the media is almost quiet. These two women deserve the same attention like any other illegally captured journalist around the world. I wish that the mainstream media would pay more attention to this case! And the politicians should follow. It is a shame!

I think America made a big mistake when they invaded Afganistan with no exit strategy and Iraq with a fabricated reason and a fabricated outcome! So, all we keep hearing in recent years is Taliban, Saddam, Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan... All the media is focused on these 3 states plus Israel. As if that's the biggest threat to the world! How about North Korea? USA and NATO are so involved in these useless, never ending and money consuming wars that they reclessly neglect North Korea and it's poor brainwashed people. People who would really deserve to be liberated from a dictator who's constantly mocking the USA and the rest of the world by doing whatever he wants! He can blackmail and threaten! Where is the outrage! The clown Ahmadinejad utters some nonsense and the media grabs it, makes it big! Come on!!! Iran would never attack Israel or USA or Europe! Why? Because all three of them could obliterate it in few days! For what would they risk attacking or invading another country? They're surrounded by US forces. Media just can't have enough of Iran, USA and Israel. It's like a big circus! I'm just sick of these games played by Israel and Iran and partly USA, it's like verbal ping pong. And where is the logic! If Iran had the nuclear bomb or other nuclear weapons, why would they want to attack Israel? First of all, Jerusalem is a muslim holy city. Only thing they could do is destroy Tel Aviv! And then? They know the USA and Israel would retaliate few times harder. I'm not convinced by the rightwing media trying to portray the Iranian regime as nuts. If there's a nuts regime, it's the North Korean! They have 1.2 million active soldier's (plus 7.7 million reservists) and the whole population is only 22.6 million. 5.3% percent of the population are soldiers, most of them brainwashed, higly motivated to destroy their 'devil' the USA. Like the fanatic jihadists, they would die for their 'divine' leaders Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-il. Compare that to the 300 million Americans and their regular army of 550,000 soldiers! With all the reservists and the Army National Guard they barely put together 1.1 million soldiers. The only difference is that the US army has a superior training and wapons, but are the US soldiers as fanatic to kill and fight for democracy as the jihadists are willing to fight for their supposed God or the North Koreans are willing to fight for their rotten and evil communist state? Probably not. In a free Western society, where you can pursue your own path of life, career, political engagement, where you can open your own business, experss your opinion, it just makes you have an open mind. I guess that's why we invest more in technology rather than in brutal merciless soldiers. But North Korea does so! And we should do something to change it! So many times the media says Kim Jong-il will die and then we will have something better. What!? We won't get a democrat in power! In best case, we will have a copy of the Chinese regime, which will even more strengthen the commies and we can forget democracy and the unification of both Koreas for a long time.

That's why I urge America and other free nations to focus on North Korea and do something to remove that fat* clown in Pyongyang, who's mocking the whole world, while his people starve and have no rights or freedoms like we have! And do everything to free Euna Lee and Laura Ling, 2 brave journalists, who deserve to be free and report about these evil communist states! They put their lives on the line for us. We should do everything in our power to get them released!

Some photos from the internet:

1 Laura and Lisa, her famous sister, she was host of 'The View'.
2 Laura Ling in 2009.
3 Euna Lee, unfortunately the only photo of her.

4 South Korean protesters remind us of Laura and Euna.
5 Why are they mocking our freedom?
6 Do the faces of evil look like this?

* apparently he's not fat anymore, due to recent illness.

Related post: Tribute to Laura Ling and Euna Lee

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