Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Obama is a genius!

My whole last year 2008 was accompanied with excitement about the US presidential elections and Barack Obama. I can say, I heard about him already in 2006 when he went to Kenya and CNN reported it. One year later, in 2007, I watched on CNN how he announced his presidential campaign. And they began to report more and more about him and I already became a huge fan. At that time, everyone was excited about Hillary Clinton. Most of the meadia thought she already won, but not me. I knew Barack Obama was the best candidate with the best ideas that reflected my views and conceptions. I didn't doubt Obama, I doubted the American people due to the recent history of racism and the dominance of the right wing (that's was the perception). Anyway, luckily I was proven wrong and Obama was elected. It was a roller coaster: From Iowa to the Supertuesday to the debates with Hillary Clinton. Then came Bill Clinton's 'Fairytale', reverend Wright, 'Bittergate', Pennsyilvania and a lot of distress. Was I relieved when he won North Carolina and virtually wrapped up the nomination. I was so sick of those CNN pundits and all their bickering and ridiculing. I got goose bumps when I saw him in Denver in that big stadium. Joe Biden was a great choice, too. It seemed perfect. And then came McCain and the Republicans with their low shots and of course the joke of the year: Sarah Palin, her stupidity and ignorance. It was hillarious. I loved the presidential debates with McCain. Obama showed that he has an exceptional intellect. And then: election night! When he got Pennsylvania and Florida I knew he won. I waited until 4am to hear him speak. That speech was really history made infront of my eyes. I will always remember where I was when I heard it. I felt I was there in Chicago, I felt I was American and all the positive things that are associated with it. I felt that in 1 single day the world became a better place.
And now here we are. It's March 2009 and I tune in CNN and see president Barack Obama has a town hall meeting, answering questions and trying to increase support for his bold policies. After the election and until the inauguration I was in Malaysia and couldn't follow his interviews and all that was happening in that period. So tonight I heard him speak after a long time and I thought: Wow, he is a genius! In this moment I think there's not a single democratic politician in the world who is as intelligent, witted and articulate as Barack Obama. He could sell you any idea by the way he delivers it to you. It's still incredible, it won't decline and I think even after he will face tough backfire, make mistakes, he will give a speech and you will believe him or forgive him. Barack Obama is a genius. He will transform the presidency like Lincoln or FDR did. He won't be topped in my life time, he set the bar too high for any successor, it's a once-in-a-century thing. That's why, even in these hard times, recesion, terrorism, financial crisis... I know we (the whole world) have someone who's honestly working the hardest he can to make a difference. It's a great time to be alive.

[Photos take by me from the TV]

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