Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Yes, we can!

Finally!!! Barack Obama managed to stop Hillary Clinton's momentum and won North Carolina primaries by a huge margin (14%) and lost insignifically in Indiana (less than 2%), which puts him back on track. The Clinton media-machine can twist the numbers, portray her as having a chance of winning. But math is math and many people are now realizing: She can't catch up and she can't change the rules now, when she's so desperate to win. She will tear apart the party and I think even her supporters won't go so far, to support this divisive tactics. It just won't work! In Indiana she won with the help of rural white conservatives and with republicans, who want to weaken the Democratic party. It's a dirty game and she definitely lost all chances. The only thing she can do is leave with dignity. She will run out of money and lose her face even more. Please, unite behind Barack and change America. Because the rest of the world needs a change, too!

Obama '08!

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