Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

I hate him!

I hate my uncle! After my grandpa's death he's been nothing but a menace. He said he won't make problems before the inheritance trial. He said he will accept that my mum gets the house. Today, 3 days before the trial, he suddenly wanted half of the house. When my mum explained to him that that's impossible for her, he wanted a room. And that would be my room. That's crazy! My mum lived almost her whole life in this house and me and my sisters, we all grew up here. It was grandpa's house, he built it and he stuck to it until his death. We never spoke about who will get it, but we were all confident that my mum will get it. He didn't like my uncle. If he would have been written a will (which he unfortunately didn't), he'd surely give it to my mum. But his death was so unexpected and sadly, these matters were impossible to discuss with him. So now here we are... A house and land, a small car and few ten thousand euros... My uncle will get the most money, but he wants more. Why? Why so ignorant! 20 years we couldn't decide how to live. Now there will be a replacement who will hinder us again? Why can't he just fuck off and leave us alone? Take all the stuff you wanna have and FUCK OFF. I mean it. I'm sick of all this game of breaking one's word. I never break my word. Never! If I do, I need years to recover from that. I'd feel ashamed! Shame on you, uncle! Shut up already, stop pestering us! We have 2 more days of this ordeal with you! I hope only 2 more days. Please, take the money and just leave us alone. Please let go... I'm so tired of all this... I can't anymore... it's pathetic.

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