Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Life is beautiful, if you're my cat

When I see my cat sleeping like that, I can forget all the hardships in my life for a moment and realize that not everything is bad. I know good times will come back again and my life will be full of joy and happiness. And maybe I will be sleeping as peacefully as my kitty.

Her name is Miša (pronounced [misha], same as the actress Misha Barton. But the word doesn't come from her, it comes from the word miš [meesh], which means 'mouse' in Slovenian. Miša therefore means 'mousy'. Cute, ain't it? Her second name is Buša (pronounced [boosha], which has no meaning, just sounds cute). Miša (or Buša) is born in april 2005.

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Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Magic Balls: The smell of sausage and cigarettes

I have a new haircut! Yep... Every one and a half or two months I go to the hair dresser. For more than a year now I'm going to one located near by, in our small town. It is very cheap (6€ only). Yeah, my hair style is very simple, usually a crew cut. Well, maybe not as short as in the army, but quite so. It is very simple to cut my hair, so I don't need a fancy hair dresser (like the one in Malaysia). Simple and cheap is just fine for me. And that's what I'm looking for, when I go to: Magic Balls. Yes. The saloons name is Magic Balls. I don't know why they named it that way, but yesterday I was thinking about the name for the first time. "I'm going to Magic Balls. How they cut your hair at Magic Balls? How's the athmosphere in the Magic Balls?" It's magic and you gotta have balls. This is not a joke. You really need balls to go there. It's a very small place. Two mid age women work there, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. One is thin, a bit reserved and cuts very carefully, the other one is fat, loud and cuts in very rough. I always pray not to get the fat one. But my prayers never get answered (Maybe that's god's payback for being a nonbeliever). Anyway, I needed my hair cut, it was very urgent. So I sold my soul to the devil and let the big girl get rough on me. Here hair saloons are centers for gossip and chatter. Small talks are the norm. I hate to have a small talk with my hair dresser. Before I went to Magic Balls, I used to go to Maribor, which is considered a big town here, and many times the woman, who cuts your hair, doesn't chat with you. I enjoyed that silence, until one day she surprisingly started with the small talk: Where are you from? Are you a student? I made a mistake at that time, because I told her I was looking for a job. Well, guess what, the next two times I came again, she always asked me: Have you found a job yet? The first time I was surprised, but still remained polite and said: No, I haven't found a job yet and gave her some reasons why. The second time she asked me right at the moment I stepped in the hair saloon. You can imagine that I was shocked and already annoyed. I thought: Mind your own business, you busy body woman. But I remained calm, replied that I have something in perspective and didn't even answer all her follow-up questions. The silence was very unpleasant. I never returned to that place again. That's when I had to start looking for a new hair dresser. And so I found Magic Balls. Now let's get back to the fat girl and see what happened next. She was rough like always, she kept talking about the weather and how many customers she just had. I played along and chatted with her. But then something happened that almost made me throw up. While she was cutting my hair, she burped few times. I could smell a mix of sausage (I guess she had a sandwich for lunch) and cigarette. Eeew. Gross. She did that about 4 times. It was the surpressed burp, the inside burp, the noise was very small, but the impact was huge: When she breathed out, I could smell that nasty mix of sausage and cigarette and I thought she can't be serious. Well, she was. Because she released herself 4 times. Because for her that's normal. Because that's what you get, if you go to Magic Balls. So, during her chain of deadly burps, she just kept cutting and chatting like nothing happened. And I did the same. But I knew immediately - this is good blog material. My hair is shorter now, that's most important. It's not a perfect cut, but I will use some hair gel and fix it. And I won't look for another saloon. It only costs 6 bucks and 4 burps - you won't get such a bargain elsewgere. Therefore I'll return to Magic Balls again. But the next time I'll go before her lunch.
[Photo by MKL, 2009]

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Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

1000th hit on my blog

So, here it is, finally. My blog reached the 1000 hits. When I started this blog last year, I haven't updated it frequently, I just wrote about the things that interested me then, just some stories about my private life and the US election. After that I wrote about Malayisa. I remember I only had about 250 hits until then. And now, when I'm back from Malaysia, I literarly write about everything (as the blog description says) and I write a lot. So my hits increased rapidly in these 3 months. And due to the live tracker, I can see which things attract my blog the most: The Breitling posts get many hits by people from all over the world. Then there's the Create your own Southpark character. I don't know why this post is so popular, I guess many people search for that stuff. And the third most popular post these days is about Alexis Sy Go, the current miss Manila. I noticed that people who search for this topic are mostly from the Philippines. Interesting. The other thing that enhances my hits are my fellow bloggers, who regularly drop by and post a comment. They are all incredible bloggers themselves, their speak perfect English and always post some very interesting and funny stuff. I'm learning a lot from them. Most famous among them are: Tales, Prometheus and Junjie. They commented more than once. There's a number of people who only comment 1 time and never return. And the worst of them post some spam (usually Chinese), which I delete immediately. Let's hope I will get many more hits, but still remain myself and be true to myself and write about everything. Thank you, everbody, who dropped by. I appreciate. [Cartoon: Source]

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Destination unknown

Wednesday. At home. Thinking. Why?

我想你! 你想我吗? Why thinking so much anyway? Doesn't make sense. But it makes me human. It won't help me, but it makes me normal. Do I want to be just normal? Part of me, yes. Part of me, maybe. I don't wanna be like Amy Winehouse or something. Just wanna be unique. But I wanna be strong as well. I wanna radiate confidence and happiness. Need to break from the past, wheather I want it or not. The wheels are in motion, I can't stop the train anyway. Even if I could, it's the wrong train, it would bring me to the wrong destination. I need to stop right now, take a breather and then look for a new one. This time the right one.

[Photo: Natasha Yi]

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Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

TV is dead.

Tuesday really sucks when it comes to TV. There's nothing to watch. I remember when I was a teenager, that was between 1990-1995, TV was number one. Nobody had laptops and internet, there was no chats, no Twitter, no Facebook, no blogging, no online news or You-Tube. Sure, these things are nice, but they make us estranged and isolated. Where are those saturday evenings when the whole family gathered infront of the TV and watched a show together? A show that would be discussed on Monday with your school mates? Or those Saturday night movies like Rambo or Die Hard or some Arnie flick. I remember how the discussion about the movie was more exciting than the movie itself. Have you seen how he punched him? Have you seen how he tricked them all? Those where the times when you knew that action heroes are real heroes with high values and morals. It was predictable and sometimes silly, but I loved happy ends. I loved those last scenes where the hero kissed a woman or where the kid said: Dad, I love you and he replied: I love you, too, champ.
And what we have now? A Batman full of vengeance, a blond James Bond full of anger? Most of the movies nowadays are sometimes so complicated, that you really don't get the begining and the end. Some just don't make sense and a happy end is rather exceptional than the norm. Movies nowadays are about special effects rather than plots. That's why you get something for the eye, but nothing for the brain and heart. There's exceptions, of course. But I'm talking about Bolly I mean Hollywood, the mainstream suppliers of movies. (Where's the difference anyway?) So, sometimes, when I off my laptop and sit infront of the TV, I just keep switching those channels and there's nothing to watch. Always, when I'm online on my laptop reading or writing a blog, I have CNN on. 10 years ago I would have MTV on... But what can I do? MTV is dead, too! I'm sick of those moronic 'reality shows' like Rock of Love or Paris Hilton looks for BFF. These shows are all fake and trashy. MTV should change its name, it's not a music television anymore. It's a freaking Freak show TV (what a sentence, if you use this one, please quote me). Anyway. TV is dead. It's shallow, fake and boring. One day I will tell my kids how it used to be. They will hardly believe me.
So, TV is dead. Internet is now about 15 years old, it's a teenager. Soon it'll be full age, then grown up... and it'll die around 2050 (my prediction). I'm sure something else will be born instead. But who knows... Ok, I'm switching off now.

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Relationships, soulmates, dreamgirls

I'm not dwelling on the past. It would be too many unanswered questions. I know I'd get very emotional and everything... That doesn't help me at all. The girl's made up her mind. Time will heal all the wounds. And I will be better as the days go by. Actually I'm fine. On the outside. But now I try my best not to peek inside. I have to stay on the surface, I have to stay on track.
I know I won't have a girlfriend very soon. I need put away my emotions I invested in the recently ended love story. I'm someone who never goes into a relationship just for fun. I take every woman seriously. If I see that someone's no girlfriend material, I don't start anything. I realized I'm looking for a soulmate. Someone who I know will always love me and I will love her always, too. And most importantly, we will be best friends. I don't understand people who are in relationships and their partner is not their best friend. My girl has to be my number one and I have to be her number one. If I'm sick, jobless, depressed, angry, sad - I want my girlfriend to always support me, stand by my side, be patient with me. Because I would always do same and be the same person to her. Is it too pathetic when I say that I'm a person who would die just to save my soulmate's life. Wouldn't you do that if you were facing that choice?
Yea, I met some fine women in my life, had 3 long relationships. My teen years weren't that serious and I forgot most of the girls from back then. And I loved every girl I was with to the fullest and tried my best to make them happy. I was 2 times the 'breakee' and 1 time the 'breaker'. The hardest thing for me was to break up myself. To break someone's heart is really devastating. She doesn't talk to me anymore. This makes me sad. But now I can't do anything about that. I wish her all the best and will always keep her in my heart.
So far, I haven't found my soulmate. No girl was a perfect match for me. And if I was a different kind of man, I'd probably break up much sooner. But the way I am: I can't. It's like I fall in love and obviously I only see the girl's best side, I project my desires onto her and create an image of her that she's not. That becomes obvious after a while when we both show some other not so pleasant traits of our characters. And then the quarrels start. I want this, she wants that. I think it's this way, she thinks it's that way. Of course you can't always agree on everything, but sometimes it just too different. There have to be some common interests. It shouldn't be, that you have to ask your partner to be into something, to show interest and excitement for something. It should happen naturally, spontaneously. So far, I haven't had a girl who'd really meet my expectations in this regard. Of course, first, you do anything for your loved one, but after a while, you become yourself again and you realize that you expect more. You should be yourself from the beginning and that's how you'll prevent future surprises.
So, is it possible to find a soulmate? I see many people and hear from them how happy they are. But how come so many people break up or divorce nowadays? Is it really so hard, that you have to throw the towel so fast these days? A while ago I heard this saying: It is easy to make a different woman happy every day, but it's very hard to make the same woman happy every day. There's a lot of truth in it. And the problem is, you have no guarantees in life. A relationship can go well for a year, for 5, 10, 20 and then people break up... You can never be sure. You always have to invest in it, you have to keep renovating it (like a house) and keep it intact, fresh and interesting. I don't mind the routine. I think the sometimes dull every day stuff has its charm. I'd immedately trade excitement for stability and security.
So now I'm looking forward. I have to learn from my mistakes, have to make it better next time. I will be more careful, I hope. Maybe I'll check more thoroughly, but that's for my own good. I can't be careless any more. I don't wanna waste my emotions and time. And I still won't give up on finding a soulmate/dreamgirl. There must be someone out there. My perfect match. Where are you?

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Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Three shocking break-ups of today!

Unbelievable! How can something like that happen in one day? First my break up. Then Katie Price and Peter André break up. And if that wasn't horrible enough, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie break up, too. Who would've thought that something like that could really happen? This May 11 will be forever remembered as the lovers' black monday. I certainly won't forget it. The only thing Katie, Angelina and me can do now, is to get drunk together and have revenge sex. (LOL. Just kidding.)

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Starting over, again

History repeats itself. Yep. I broke up again. This time me and my girlfriend, now already my ex-girlfriend, both agreed on it. It's funny... When we broke up last year, that was the initiating moment to start this blog (here's my first post). But this time is different. This time is serious. A year ago was a big shock, because I didn't expect something like that. It came out of nowhere. Now I sensed something like that's coming up and partly I was also thinking to break up myself. But I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't sure enough. Well, now it's done. I need to accept it. And I need to get over it. It was never the same since last years break up. We were single over 3 months before we came back together. I took her back because I loved her, even after she hurt me. I tried my best to make it work, but I saw it got harder and harder. Sometimes I wasn't like I used to be and she felt that. I was sometimes very moody and unsecure. It was hard for both to continue like that. We knew that. And while being in Malaysia, it was still mostly ok, we had a great time. And I'm sure we both won't forget that. Her family loved me and I loved them. All the nephews and nieces called me uncle Nino, hugged me. It was a touching moment when her 2 years old niece said 'Uncle Nino, I love you.' I will always cherish these moments. I am still lucky to experience so many unforgettable moments with her. Thank you, 慧凊。

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Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

The worst case scenario

I am down after I was on top
and after I ate the fruits of indefinite love -
being dropped on the ground like
a ripe fruit that nobody wanted to pick,
left on the floor rotting and disappearing
into eternity - is mking me utterly sick.

by me

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Tomorrow is my Doomsday

So... I wonder what will happen tomorrow. I will have 'the talk'. Wow. What is there left to say after so many days of virtually no talk at all? Will I be crushed? I don't know how to prepare myself. I don't know what to say, what to expect. I'm having so many theories about all kinds of outcomes. It's hard to deal with matters of the heart. I may feel numb today, but maybe it'll crush me tomorrow. Or maybe it won't. I just know I am worn out because of all this. I just want it to stop. I want my harmony back. Even if it's not a real harmony. I don't wanna talk about who's wrong or right, who's fault it is that everything is the way it is. Maybe it'll just be simply over and not a new set of conditions. I really don't know. It is what it is now. I guess it's over when it's really over. Is it? Will it be? We will see.

To be continued...

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Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

A proverbial story

Her name was Ling Wai. We found ourselves in a park in Qingdao. She came very close to me and said: “Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.” I was a bit surprised, I blushed and thought about how to respond. When she was about to kiss me, I replied: “I dreamed a thousand new paths. . . I woke and walked my old one.” She, not impressed, but willing to continue with her kiss, then said: “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” I, a bit restless, backed off again and replied: “Pleasure for one hour, a bottle of wine. Pleasure for one year, a marriage; but pleasure for a lifetime, a garden.” She suddenly stopped, repeated “Garden?” - thought about it for a moment - and then said: “Do not anxiously hope for that which has not yet come; do not vainly regret what is already past.”
I thought whatever I'll say, she'll have a quick reply and I can't prevent her from kissing me. I thought “It is the beautiful bird which gets caged.” Why I can't escape? I thought, she's hot and everything, but I am married. I wanna get out of this situation. But I had to keep my calm, so I thought to myself: If you're patient in one moment of anger, you will escape hundred days of sorrow. I then tried hard to regain my senses. Come on... Open them up! It's enough already!

I'm back. The only thing I remember is that after “I dreamed a thousand new paths. . . I woke and walked my old one.” Again.

[Source: Chinese proverbs]

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I was always faithful to others. But seldom faithful to myself. It seems as whenever I made a decision in the past where I would really follow my own will, my own desire, I hurt someone. Why do we sometimes decide to be loyal to ourselves and hurt others by doing so? I hate situations where I'm deciding between 2 lives to be fundamentally changed by my decision. And whatever I'd chose, I'd make at least one person unhappy. Sometimes even miserable. So why can life (let's say life is something real) be so unfair? I know it can't be. Life doesn't know 'fair' and 'unfair'. Life knows nothing. Life is what we project into the idea behind the word 'life'. It's a process. Some people just live, do what they want, betray others, lie, never keep their word - but they're happy! I always try to please everyone. To keep my word is holy to me. Holy as the holy father to the pope. But always striving to be perfect, to be honest, friendly, polite, true... it's tough. I'm not claiming I don't lie at all. But my lies are harmless. It's those white lies or those that make the truth look a bit nicer. Mostly I try not to lie by avoiding a topic that would make me lie if I had to talk about it. But all these things are unimportant. I did not betray anyone in a long long time. I did not wish bad to anyone in a long long time. If I did, it was because I felt the person was mean or unjust to me or to someone close to me. I don't wish bad to anyone in this world. I want people to be happy and successful. Seriously. I mean, is my reality any better or worse if someone is happy or unhappy? Not if this person is not involved in my life. So, now we're in a recession. I'm in one since I graduated 2 years ago. I didn't have the best job waiting for me afterwards, even though I finished as one of the best at our top university. I made some tough choices in these recent years. My life could've been totally different. But what good can happen if I dwell on the choices that I made in the past? Nothing. Completely nada. I just keep eating myself up and getting smaller and smaller. Yea, to be faithful to oneself is hard. Because people like that have it tough. I think I must change my mindset. I see people with less intellect and integrity, with less knowledge and humanity having a more successful life than me. I don't want to make the impression that I measure success in material things. But being almost jobless for so long is not a good perspective for a successful life. I work, but for what I do I could spare myself the 7 long years at the university. So if soon there will nothing heading my way (and the recession is not really promising in this regard), I will lose my patience, my mind and my faith in everything.

I hope I wake up soon. This dream is already wearing me out.

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Jumat, 08 Mei 2009


Empty. Lost in memories of the past. Anxious to look ahead. Trapped in the present. What should I do? I decide to stand up, open the front door and leave. It's dark. Forest all around me. I keep walking. The road is empty. And long. The more I walk, the better I get. The road is now my meaning of life. My goal is to keep going aimlessly. I don't want to reach anywhere. I don't want to go back or even look back. I can make a stop. In that moment the world stops for me. I realize we're all on the same track. I just hate myself for being able to understand this useless life. Some sleep, eat, work, eat, sleep and repeat that every day. But they're happy! I try to find sense in everything I'm doing, seeing, feeling. It's tiring. It's wearing me out. And you are far! I'm alone and lonely. The more you distant yourself from me, the more real I get. I'm realizing that everything we built up is just a cover for nothing. Our curtains are veiling a wall, not a window. And in the end, I'll end up alone again. As I always were. Memories are sweet, but they will get bittersweet later. I'll be still walking down the same road as always. Only this time I really won't turn back. I may appear sober, but I'm highly emotional. Crushed. But I have to keep walking. I'm walking. I can't stop, I have no control.

And then he stopped.

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Tweet of the day

Lai San is my tweet-buddy and she's really funny. She loves food and she tweets about it many times a day and her tweets really make me smile and relax. She's passionate about food and cooking. And today, when I saw her tweet (screencap below), I really had to laugh. This is my tweet of the day. It's a short tweet-poem, so charming, I wanna share it with you here. Enjoy! Thank you, Lai San :)

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My tweet was on Larry King

,Two days ago, Larry King hosted Joy Behar, my favorite host of The View. I can watch The View only on You-Tube and I do that sometimes. I'm following Larry King on Twitter and I saw his message asking for thoughts on Joy Behar. So, just for fun, I wrote something and replied back very fast. And they showed my tweet on Larry King! You can see it on the screencap below. Thanks to twitterer TheNiceLife, who saw my Twitter-name on Larry King and sent me a tweet with the link to his blog, where I checked out the video with the Joy Behar interview. So, now I'm buddies with Jessica Alba and a serious pundit on CNN :P Just kidding.

[Photo: CNN video screencap]

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Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

New low for German politics

In March 2009 was that horrible school shooting in Winnenden, Germany. A 17 year old boy killed 15 people and himself as well. Germany was in big shock. People were speechless. Two months later the politicians finally found a solution for something like that never to happen again in the future. Now you may think Germany is one of the most progressive coutries in the world. The greatest musicians, inventors and thinkers came from Germany: Goethe, Schiller, Bach, Kant, Guttenberg, Daimler... Therefore you can only expect the best solutions coming from this country. You would think to prevent school massacers, they will implement a law to ban all weapons for private ownership. I mean, why do you need a weapon, if you're not a hunter or policeman? Well... Nope. German politicians had a better idea! Among some other measures

They will ban paint ball!

"Paint ball will be banned, because it immitates shooting", explained one politician. This is where my post stops. I am speechless.

*Update: Apparently there's some people in the German government who use their brain. I just saw in the news that they will check again if the proposed ban of paintball is any good. It was said that they probably won't completely ban it, but just raise the age for those who will be allowed to play and have a tighter control over it. That happens when you act before you think. It's a disgrace.

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Snake encounter! Don't worry, my cat and I are fine!

Today I was working outside like on every sunny day. I'm doing a pavement around the house and we have a stack of these concrete cobblestones, where I always take them out bit by bit. So today when taking one out to my surprise there was quite a big snake squeezed inbetween those stones. I backed off first, then decided to get my cat. Once she killed a snake and I thought maybe she can help me out with this one. I wanted to get the snake out of there. Below you can see the whole story in photos:

1 The snake tried to hide deeper inbetween the stones, so I removed more of them.

2, 3 My cat was observing the situation from above. What was she scheming?

4, 5 I decided to get it out with the hay rake. My cat tried to snatch or slap the snake.

6, 7 There it is! Finally out! My cat sniffing at it. I was startled a bit when I saw she was drooling out of her mouth, so I decided to fling it away from me as far as I could.

I can say it was over in 5min. It was nerve-racking. It was dangerous. But me and my cat had everything under control. Pheeew. For now we prevailed. What will happen the next time?

[All pics by MKL, 2009]

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Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

To 'believe' in evolution

(Image by http://unreasonablefaith.com )

Religion is words. Words have power. Words affect people, you control them with words. No wonder we have 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom of press'. It's all connected to words and the power they have. Lately I've been noticing in USA journalists ask politicians: Do you believe in evolution? You see how far they've come? The creationists pushed their bullshit agenda so far that now the mainstream media asks if you 'believe' in evolution, same as if you believe in god. They fight for evolution and creationism to be on the same level, while obviously one is scientific fact and the other is a phantasy fairytale based on some old book. Why these people do that? These are evil people! They are militant and reckless. They try to brainwash children and make fundamentalists out of them. The theory of creationism leads you to extremism and intolerance. They impose this idea into children and their followers. Their plan is to teach creationism all over the USA same as Taliban want a fundamentalist state in Afganistan. There is no difference. So what we can do now is not allow journalists to ask people 'do you believe in evolution'? They have to say 'are you one of these ignorant religious militants who fight for a Christian state?' They should say 'mister, why do you ignore the scientific fact of evolution' and not 'do you believe in evolution'. Every normal person knows that their claims are ridiculous. But we can't just laugh about them. They are damn serious to push through their agenda and we have to be very careful. We have to speak out whenever we see someone trying to sell the creationst bullshit without being questioned!

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MSN Messenger spam

How they do that? To spam you when you're chatting on MSN. Today I chatted with my girlfriend. I guess she lost connection and suddenly switching from a private conversation I get this:

mate you wont believe, ever thought you could make money from Google guys? i just made 13$ so far loll in a damn few hours doing searches and filling out forms i love now hehe


How can they do this and how to prevent it? It's really annoying, because I get this crap from some friend's MSN accounts while they're being offline. Did I catch a virus or is it MSN's problem?

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Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Play him off, keyboard cat.

Apparently after the 'Rickroll' phenomenon on You-Tube, there's a brand new thing of a simillar kind: 'The keyboard cat'. This video is hillarious! Both parts blend it together perfectly. I couldn't stop laughing when I first saw it. It's also another proof of the so (in)famous Christian 'tolerance.'

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Screw CNN International breaking news!

This really makes me mad! I usually watch Larry King on CNN International every morning. It's always at 11am here, due to the difference in the time zones. And every now and then they interrupt Larry King with some fucking breaking news that don't interest me! Like now: Breaking news, mutiny in Georga! I don't freaking care! Sometimes they have nothing and keep repeating some vague information thousand times, while Larry King is almost over. Damn! I hate that! I love Larry King, it's one of the best American shows, I rarely wanna miss it. But this stupid CNN International is all I have. It makes me furious. CNN International are feeding us only with bullshit! The only good shows are those from USA like the Situation Room and LK. Man... Mutiny in Georga... that's breaking news...

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Senin, 04 Mei 2009

An interesting encounter

To be continued... maybe... :)

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Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Too late and too early

Nü Ying (女英) was waiting for me at the hotel bar. It was 8pm on Orchard road. Hot as usual. She was much more earlier there, while I came a bit late. When we kissed, she pulled me closer and whispered in my ear: "I missed you. Where have you been?" I blushed a little and couldn't tell her I overslept. So I started mumbling and hesitating with the answer while trying to figure out an excuse that wouldn't make me look like I'm not taking her seriously enough. So I almost stuttered when I said: "I... I... I had a bad headache and I... I had to take a minute and a... I misplaced my keys..." She smiled, looked deeply into my eyes, put her index finger on my lips and said: "Shhh... don't speak." She pouted her lips, pressed them against mine and there we were, kissing for like half a minute. When she released it, she laughed out loud and said: "Will you promise me you won't come late anymore?" I replied "yes, yes" reassuringly. "But I have one more request", she added to my surprise. "We're going to go upstairs now, to the room and promise me one more thing - this time don't come early." I blushed again, but nodded silently, grabbed her by the hand and we left. I was always on time after that.

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A communist joke

It ain't funny, if it's funny

Three workers find themselves locked up, and they ask each other what they’re in for. The first man says: “I was always ten minutes late to work, so I was accused of sabotage.” The second man says: “I was always ten minutes early to work, so I was accused of espionage.” The third man says: “I always got to work on time, so I was accused of having a Western watch.”

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Chinabounder left a comment on my blog

I was a little surprised when I saw that the formerly 'infamous' ChinaBounder left a comment on my blog. It was on my post about Jackie Chan's remarks that 'Chinese maybe had to be controlled and that Taiwan was chaotic'. In that article I also quoted his post that tackles the same topic as well: His thoughts on Taiwan and it's democracy. I really liked his post. Here's his comment on my blog:

ChinaBounder said...

"It’s a disgraceful comment. Chan, like so many governments around the world, is obviously prepared to betray democracy and the ideals of freedom to keep Beijing happy. When there’s money to be made, few people stand up for truth.

Taiwan is a fine example to China, and should be honored by the world for its achievements; but it gets almost no respect."

So after I saw this, I checked the link of his comment and it lead me to the real ChinaBounder's blog (Sex in Shanghai / 欲望上海). It was indeed him. I just wondered how he found me. I remember leaving few comments on his blog some while ago, but he has so many comments on each post that I wasn't sure if he really reads them. Since his last post was from October 2008, I thought he wasn't active. I guess I was wrong.
In the past, I already thought of writing something about this 'ChinaBounder scandal'. And his comment initiated me to do so today.
So many people asked who was Chinabounder. Well, that was never my question. I always asked myself what is wrong with the Chinese netizens to react the way they did. First of all, I will always defend freedom of speech! You just can't attack freedom of speech. Period. Second, you can agree with Chinabounder or not, you can believe everything he writes or not. But what some of the 'offended' people were doing, was really crazy. I remember the Chinese professor who in his nationalistic tirade basically called for a witch hunt and public lynching of the author behind ChinaBounder. That was scary. Various blogs showed up with the purpouse of finding ChinaBounder. They analized all his words, all the information found in his posts, just to find him. One of them is this one. I imagine how a bunch of angry Chinese teenagers and twenty-somethings wander around Shanghai and try to find him. They were probably angry at every Westerner they saw. That's scary. But they made a huge mistake. ChinaBounder wrote a lot about the Chinese male and female, about the system and about the Chinese society in general. I didn't agree on everything that he wrote on his blog, but there was a lot of truth in his posts. And that's the point. The reaction of Chinese totally confirmed what he was saying. I was thinking what if a supposed Chinese expat would write about his sexcapades in Europe, let's say in Britain. Nobody would care! Nobody would translate the whole blog in English, there wouldn't be online forums and groups trying to find this guy, to unmask and expell (and possibly lynch) him. Even if he wrote how bad is our society here in Europe, if he wrote about the European male being this and that... Nobody would care. And I'm sure same would go for America. That's the difference between a dictatorship and democracy, between people who can develop their own independent critical minds and people who are used to follow orders from above, people who get their thoughts and behavior imposed by the government. So it really doesn't matter wheather ChinaBounder is David Marriot, a former British graduate or if it's a group of more authors or if it's someone else.
This online outrage taught me a lot. It made me realize that one should not take freedom of speech online (and offline) for granted. Freedom, democracy, free press, being able to protest the government should never be taken for granted. We have to be aware of that. The powerful need to know their power's boundaries. They can't be above the law, they can't step on our constitution.
And finally, my thoughts on ChinaBounder's sex stories. I found them amusing. When I read them, I read them as novels. I didn't imagine it was all true and exact as it was said. The sex was displayed pretty graphic, but it wasn't the main point. I liked how he described these women and their mindset. I liked the issues that come with a love triangle, with cheating and having a lover. That's classical and it's not unique to any culture. If you have a husband, who doesn't show interest in you and you find a lover, it's not something new. It happens in the West all the time. The difference in ChinaBounder's stories is that he combined this fact with the whole Chinese society and with the government and it's restrictions on freedom, that has it's effects on the whole society. It made me think about how their government measures sucess: in growth of economy. How about the growth of ideals, values and freedoms?
And my final thought: I'm positive that there were (and still are) many young Chinese who disagreed with the professor's call for ChinaBounder's exile and couldn't identify themselves with the whole reaction to ChinaBounder's blog. People who may have been abroad and seen the difference. People who don't fall for cheap nationalism and don't get upset by few posts on a blog. I just hope there's enough of them to change China's political system one day.

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Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Chinese beauty Wang Ruo Yi

Is the the ultimate Chinese model?

I came across some beautifully aesthetic photos of a Chinese model and actress by the name Wang Ruo Yi (王若伊, nicknamed Royi or also known as Wang Yi Bing). Her English nickname is Seven. She's from China (Henan province) and born on February 6th, 1988 . She's 165cm tall and has 43kg (her current measurements 88-60-90) [source 1, source 2]. I have to say she probably has some of the best photographers and make up artists around her, because the photos are very good. Of course she's also very attractive and photogenic. She just looks great on every photo. You can see a part of her famous photo set here on my blog or check out the full collection on the Chinese website MOKO, where the photos were originally taken. MOKO is a famous Chinese website, that scouts models and makes them popular. Many girls try to become a famous model in China and the competition is really big, because China is full of beautiful women. See some of Royi's photos here and check the links below:

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