Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

1000th hit on my blog

So, here it is, finally. My blog reached the 1000 hits. When I started this blog last year, I haven't updated it frequently, I just wrote about the things that interested me then, just some stories about my private life and the US election. After that I wrote about Malayisa. I remember I only had about 250 hits until then. And now, when I'm back from Malaysia, I literarly write about everything (as the blog description says) and I write a lot. So my hits increased rapidly in these 3 months. And due to the live tracker, I can see which things attract my blog the most: The Breitling posts get many hits by people from all over the world. Then there's the Create your own Southpark character. I don't know why this post is so popular, I guess many people search for that stuff. And the third most popular post these days is about Alexis Sy Go, the current miss Manila. I noticed that people who search for this topic are mostly from the Philippines. Interesting. The other thing that enhances my hits are my fellow bloggers, who regularly drop by and post a comment. They are all incredible bloggers themselves, their speak perfect English and always post some very interesting and funny stuff. I'm learning a lot from them. Most famous among them are: Tales, Prometheus and Junjie. They commented more than once. There's a number of people who only comment 1 time and never return. And the worst of them post some spam (usually Chinese), which I delete immediately. Let's hope I will get many more hits, but still remain myself and be true to myself and write about everything. Thank you, everbody, who dropped by. I appreciate. [Cartoon: Source]

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