Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Salon's "Best Movie Scene of the Year"

I was going to start the New Year with my picks for the 10 Best of the Decade, in Movies, TV and Theatre until I came across this article (via) calling a scene I found particularly brilliant the Best Movie Scene of the Year, from Matt Reeves 'cover version" of 2008's Let the Right One in.

Let Me In isn't exactly a remake of that particular film, as Salon columnist Matt Zoller Seitz points out, but just Reeve's personal take on the same material. Let Me In was my #2 pick (so far) for 2010 and I was actually sad that it didn't receive the box office it deserved. I briefly mentioned the scene in my original review, but after seeing the clip embedded below, I have become even more enamored of its composition and cinematography. As Seitz points out, Reeve does indeed have "the patience of a spider." He takes his time throughout the film to develop character, atmosphere and suspense and doesn't cheapen the material with "cat jump" scares and gore just for the sake of gore.

In the scene, Abby's (Chloe Moretz) 'father' (Richard Jenkins) sets out to find food for his charge. His plans are sent awry with the addition of an unexpected character, leading up to an event which explains the film's opening sequence. Like Hitchcock's "bomb under the table" scenario, Reeve lingers over the 'bomb' (Jenkins) while we hear the other characters' nonchalant and unknowing conversation. Reeve masterfully builds tension while working toward a startlingly thrilling stunt sequence.  Here, see for yourselves:

Now that's some prime filmmaking, my friends. I'm looking forward to see what Reeve still has up his sleeve (and had no intention of making a rhyme). And just as a spoilery side note: while Seitz mentions the song on the radio, he (maybe deliberately) fails to mention how appropriate it is for what happens after the clip ends.

I hope you  had a wonderful time last night and no hangover this morning; I hope you all find yourselves that much closer to your hearts' desires and I hope we all get to see better movies than 2010 gave us.

More, anon.

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