Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Finally, a Scary Horror Movie?

Via Obsessed With Film comes the first teaser for the Guillermo del Toro - produced remake of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, a movie that terrified my poor sister when she was a kid (and provided me with a new fun way to torture her).

That's one of the creatures from the original TV movie, which starred Kim Darby (Better Off Dead) and the late Jim Hutton (father of Timothy). The story concerns a young couple who move into her father's creepy old house, only to discover they aren't quite as alone as they think.

The remake stars Katie Holmes (I know, I know) and Guy Pearce (Memento). And the teaser trailer below is awesomely creepy.

Definitely one remake I can get behind, especially after having seen that trailer. I'll be first in line when this movie is released next January.

More, very anon...

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