Sabtu, 21 November 2009

My Last Saturday Evening Post

Well, almost. It's my last Caliban's Revenge Saturday Post.

Yes, your Mad Uncle Prospero has started a new weekly blog, Prospero's Zombie Zone. One guess as to what it's about.

Now, that doesn't mean I will stop talking about you-know-whats here in Cali's Revenge. I just may save most of it for the Z-Zone. It will only be once a week, so rest assured dear readers (all 16 of you), I will be posting here 6 nights a week (give or take - you know what happens when I'm working on a show).

I must admit that I do like the format I chose for the new blog, and will probably be changing Caliban's Revenge a bit, soon. It's looked the same for a long time and its due for a facelift. I'll let you know they're coming before I make any drastic changes here.

And how about that Saturday Evening Post cover? Who knew Rockwell could be so homoerotic?

Anyway, head over to the Z-Zone if you get a sec (and especially if you love the Zs as much as the stupid people on V love the Vs).

Man, that last parenthetical was exceptionally lame, wasn't it? I should delete it. Nah, I've written worse...

Oh, and I've decided that since November and Thanksgiving always mean turkey, I'm going to make November Caliban's Revenge's Official Bad Movie Month, in which we can revel shamelessly in the delirious joy of bad film making.

So here's another little appetizer until the Big Bad Movie Spectacular on Turkey Day , itself. (damn, now I have to live up to that claim come Thursday). Anyway - enjoy (with every ounce of sarcasm I can muster on keyboard) this:

Bad, bad movie! No! Not on the carpet!

More, anon.

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