Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

Republicans smear smear smear!

Republicans have only one policy: SMEAR SMEAR SMEAR! That's how they wanna overtake Obama. Make the American people afraid of him. They can do whatever they want! Start wars, ruin the economy, create a greater division between rich and poor, oppose the right for free health care, give tax breaks for the rich and wealthy, go hand in hand with multinationals - they can do whatever they want! As long as there's a 'stupid white man' elected president, Americans will tolerate all this s**t! So my proposal is: Dissolve the Democratic party and let's have one-party-rule. What kind of democracy is America? On the federal level - none! At least some american states take the democracy seriously. But then again. One-party-rule like China and two-party-rule like USA - what is the difference?
This year, I had hope with Obama... Now I'm just hopeless. McDumb is slowly overtaking him in the polls, Republicans keep smearing. And to have a black man win the elections, he would need at least 30 points lead in the polls. A dead heat in the polls is like 20 points lead for McCain. Many whites will say to the pollsters that they will vote for Obama, but at election day, they will vote for McSame and then the pundits will say: Well, he didn't convince the white working class, he didn't give specific solutions, they didn't know him! WTF????? I'm from Slovenia, I got to know him last year, I pay attention to his road to nomination - I know him! You have internet, media (also unbiased) and he gave answers to all the problems Americans are facing. You have his website, Wikipedia, thousands of blogs - how can you not know what he stands for? i'm really starting to believe, what Bill Maher said: 'Americans are too dumb to be governed.' Meanwhile the Republicans smear smear and smear. It's pathetic!

[Photo source: Aol]

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End of Beijing

The Olympics are over! Finally! And all the commotion surrounding this event is finally over, too. What-a-relief! This was really one of the most phoney Olympics in our life time. From the chinese and western perspective! And you can create breathtaking ceremonies and what not, but these games showed in what kind of world we are living in. From the perspective of sport, we had some exceptions like Phelps, Bolt, Steiner, who gave us some precious moments, goose bumps and made us forget the phony olympic comittee, the chinese delegates, who were showing a facade that's far from the reality. Behind it are people who suffer, who have no rights or prospect for the future. But that happens, as I said, if you give the games to a dictatorship. Well, after 1988 in Seoul, South Korea changed. But will China? I don't think so. The communist party is now much stronger. The propaganda is reinforced, the censorship is tighter. It's a big bullshit now. While the whole world is tearing up at the closing ceremony, in Beijing's hutongs people struggle to survive. But we knew that in 2001 and we know that in 2008. Well, I can't fight something that's impossible to fight. So all these injustices are for the Chinese to fight. Let them struggle for their own freedoms. China is great, huge, too complicated. What is China? You can't define it. You can't change it from outside. And these games won't change a thing. That's what we should know before. We made a big mistake. Only 1 thing is positive: At least the games gave 3 weeks to some simple chinese people to forget their life's struggles and hardships. 3 weeks of a 'perfect world', created by a perfect stage - the new buildings, the well enacted happiness and unity... But we all know, the cute little girl didn't really sing, the fireworks were't all real... it was phoney and fake, only the athletes were real! My greatest respect to them! We saw great sport events with real honesty, unity, effort and strife for the better. The athletes showed us, what is the true olympic spirit.

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McCain at his best

[Source: HuffPost]

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Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

What an august 2008!

This part of the year really puts me down. Sure, I shouldn't follow the news or the Olympics... It only makes me more depressed. The fake child singer and the fake fireworks at the opening ceremony and Russia's attack on Georgia... crazy... An American has been killed on the streets of Beijing by a chinese man. What's going on in this sick world? Honesty is lost, security is gone, what appears to be true is fake! The more the world's population grows, the more individual life is expendable? Humans, persons are just numbers... becoming nameless casualties... These Olympic games are overshadowed by all this phony and horrible events that really makes me wonder how to escape all this crap. I guess by the time I figure that out, these games will be already over. And hopefully the war in Georga.

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Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

Beijing Olympic Games

Aren't you sick of those repeated criticisms of the Chinese government on issues such as freedom of speech, Tibet, free press and internet censorship? I mean, what were those, who gave the olympics to China, thinking? That in few years China will become a Western democracy? After China's troublesome history they didn't know that? You just can't make the largest culture on earth follow your way of thinking in few years. China's been known for changing slowly, what happened in recent 25 years is already 100 times faster than the years before 1980. Yea, I condemn surpression of their own people and minorities. It's far from a perfect country. This year is really the year of China, but until now, more in a negative sense. Many bad things happened while China was in the spotlight of the world this year. 8 is the Chinese lucky number and I read, that many Chinese people wonder if that's still the case. Recently I'm thinking: Get over with these games already! I was never a big fan of olympics, I prefer the football Eurocup or Worldcup instead, but anyway, because of so much commotion before the games, I think I won't be able to escape them. I haven't watched the games 4 yars ago. But now there's nothing more anticipated than these games. It's only 3 weeks, and then? What will China do? Nothing probably. They will continue the same politics with fast money and slow political changes. They will face big problems and they will have to deal with them. We can condemn them or not, we can't change China and its course. We can only observe how it progresses. We have to accept that not all cultures will develop freedoms like us. I guess the people of China have accepted the way it is, if they don't like it, I think only they can change it. Whatever we in the West will say, the Chinese media won't talk about it, the Chinese people won't know.
So why bother? Why try? We will only make things worse... Let's not politicize the games. It's about athletes competing, it's about them, their carreers, not about which political ideology is right or wrong.
I congratulate to all the excited Chinese people who are proud to host the olympic games at home. I'm happy for them and I'm sure they will be great friendly hosts. They are the ones who will bring changes to China in future, let's not behave like some almighty teachers who wanna lecture them what's right and what's wrong. Let them have their games. It's too late to bother now. Few months later everybody will focus on the new President of the United states of America! And China will be far far away.

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