Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

The "Lost" Goodbye

You know I don't usually blog until late at night. And you know I don't usually watch Prime Time TV in real time, but rather DVR my favorites to watch later. Well, today marks an exception, because tonight, dear readers, Uncle P will be watching the "Lost" series finale, aptly titled "The End." I have rehearsal almost every night next week and DVRing tonight's finale would mean not seeing it until Friday, and frankly, I can't wait that long, so I will be watching in real time, along with most of the country.

I don't know about you, but I've been watching from the very beginning; from that closeup on Jack's eye as he woke up in a bamboo grove after the crash of Oceanic Airlines Flight 815. I watched as the pilot got sucked out the cockpit by what now know is the Man in Black; I watched as the plane full of heroin-filled Madonnas crushed Boone; I watched as The Others kidnapped Walt; I watched Ben slither all over everyone in his efforts to control the castaways and save his own skin; I watched as Sawyer and Kate spent most of a season in the Dharma cages. I even hung on during the almost awful season 3, in which not much of anything happened (except the Nikki and Paolo debacle). And I cried like a baby when Jin and Sun drowned just two weeks ago. And loved almost every silly, mystifying, aggravating and bewildering moment with a certain glee.

Now, after 6 seasons, "Lost" is coming to a close. And we have lots of answers to its mysteries, already. We know what the smoke monster is; we know why Richard Alpert doesn't age; we know how the donkey wheel came to be; we know how Jacob and his unnamed twin came to the island, thousands of years ago. We don't know the significance of the numbers; who built the statue of Tarawet or how "Mother" came to be on the island, among dozens of other things. And I don't expect we'll get all the answers to the questions we have been asking since the beginning. And I'm okay with that. A big part of the show's appeal is is its mysteries, though unlike a mystery novel, where the detective gets to make a big announcement about 'whodunnit,' there will be no M. Poirrot or Miss Marple pontificating to a room full of suspects. There will only be whatever the producers and writers of "Lost" want us to know. And that will have to be enough.

Tomorrow night (like every entertainment blogger in America), I'll share my thoughts on the show.

More, anon.

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