Rabu, 07 April 2010

I'm Excited

So, it's been a long, cold winter without a show for your Uncle P, though to be honest, that's mostly by choice. The older I get (no cracks from the Peanut Gallery, please - Oh, that's a give-away), the more I'm inclined to work on writing than performing. Still, the prospect of directing another show for the JTMF has me feeling young again.

As you probably know, this year's show is Del Shores' Sordid Lives, a black comedy about a white trash family from Southern Texas, gathering and preparing for the funeral of their matriarch Peggy, who died when she hit her head on a motel room sink, after tripping over the wooden legs of the Vietnam vet with whom she'd been having an affair.

A JTMF show is unlike any other I've ever done in more than 30 years of live theatre experience. Artists gather to not only honor the memory of a fallen comrade, but to raise money for both AIDS support groups and Arts Education charities. We only do three performances, two of which feature a gala reception and silent auction. All ticket sales go to the Open Arms Foundation and the James Tolin Memorial Scholarship at Mercer County Community College. A JTMF show is like working with family and egos are set aside for our common goal. I have been privileged to direct 5 of the 7 shows we've done, while appearing in the first two. This is our 8th year, and we are thrilled to still be doing what we do.

Auditions for the show are this coming Saturday, and while I admit that some roles have already been cast with actors I know will give the kinds of performances I am looking for, I am always excited to meet and cast people who have something new to bring to our considerable (and ever-growing) talent pool.

Tickets to this year's event are already available at the Kelsey Theater website. If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a secure donation via PayPal, you can do so at the JTMF website, www.jtmf.org.

If you are on the West Coast or in Canada, you can also help by visiting our sister organization, JTMF West in Edmonton, Alberta. The JTMF West will be holding their first fund raising event next weekend, April 17th at the Catalyst Theatre in Edmonton.

More, anon.

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