Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

I'm home...

I'm now home few days and besides the jetlag, that makes me quite tired, I'm a bit lost. The difference is so huge between here and Malaysia... The climate, the food, the people. I'd never imagine I would leave so many new friends behind in only few months. And of course my love life is now facing another period of great challenges. I hope the winter goes away, because I was really used to the tropical heat. So all I'm asking is 15+ degrees. I'm very modest in that regard. Please. Give me something.

[Photo by MKL, 2009]

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Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Sunrise in Doha, Qatar

I caught the rising sun over the beautiful Gulf state

Boarding the airplane to Vienna.

That's how the sun rose over Doha, the capital of Qatar, a little over 6am in the morning. I was boarding my connection flight to Vienna, when I saw that I could capture a wonderful moment. My new Nokia E66 came in quite handy and I snapped many beautiful photos, probably the most beautiful photos with that camera ever..

The funny thing was, the sun appears so majestic and huge in the photos, while in real it was just normal. I love the effect, especially on the second photo. The third one is my favorite, because of the nice silhouette of the vehicle below the majestic sun. I love those photos. Unfortunately, everything was gone in one minute. We were soon in the plane and taking off to cold and rainy Europe. What a pity. But it was definitely a moment to remember.

The majestic sun over Doha and its airport.

My favorite photo.

Landed in Vienna in a cold and rainy February. It's always hard to return home.

[All photos by MKL, 2009]

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Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

The sisters surprised me!

My girlfriend's sisters or my Chinese sisters (as I refer to them), really surprised me! I had the plan to buy the Nokia E66, I just waited for the euro exchange rate to rise a bit, before I change to Malaysian ringgit. Since december 2008, the euro got weaker comparing to the Malaysian ringgit for about 10%, so things became 10% more expensive for me. So the last weeks I was paying attention to the exchange rate on daily basis, plus I tried to find a good bargain for my Nokia.
My girlfriend's father likes handphones, likes to discuss the prices and other things. So last time he brought me to one shop near by the house, where they showed me this Nokia E66, the price was the cheapest of all previous ones. So after that, he got an idea for a farewell present for me. He told his daughters, who apparently started to collect money and bought the Nokia for me. In 4 days I will fly home, so basically yesterday I wanted to buy the Nokia myself. But suddenly the father comes in our room, passes me the Nokia and goes. I was so shocked! I was thinking, why he bought already, I haven't changed the money yet, how much did it cost and everything - I was confused! Then my girlfriend told me how they all treated me. Wow! I really didn't expect. And I was very shy and humble. I went to all of them individually and said thank you. My girlfriend said, they all liked me and they wanted to give me like a farewell present and the birthday present all together, since my birthday is in 1 month. I must say, they all grew even fonder to me. I will miss them when I go back. I hope I can see them soon. So... thank you again, da jie, er jie, san jie, ah Juan, ah Ling, ah Wen and xiao mei for surprising me that much. Best of luck to all of you.

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Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Genting: Malaysian gambling paradise

My first time gambling and I won!

Three days ago my girlfriend and I went to Genting Highlands, located 50km north from Kuala Lumpur. It was a trip, organised by my girlfriend's boss. We were a group of around 16 people, arranged in four cars, starting off from Batu Pahat.

It was my first time in Genting and also first time experiencing Malaysian cold highland climate. The temperature was around 15 degrees Celsius, which is no wonder to me, since the resort is located 1850m above sea level. Almost the whole stay, there was a thick fog surrounding the whole resort, especially the last day. It really felt like heaven. I mean, it's in the clouds, you have shopping malls, theme parks, restaurants, casinos and many pretty Asian girls. if that's not how heaven looks like, then I really don't know, how can it be any nicer. :)

Anyway, that doesn't mean, I liked everything. In fact, I was a bit disappointed at first. Since I told myself not to gamble. First shock is the climate change, it was about 17 degrees difference comparing to KL, so I felt pretty cold in my shorts and sandals. We stayed in the First World Hotel, one of the biggest hotels in the world, it has over 6100 rooms, it's like a small town itself. We parked the cars in the garage, took the lift up to the lobby. There was hundreds of people waiting to check in - it was like at the airport. We had to wait 1h to get the keys to our rooms. So, be prepared to wait if you go to this hotel.
The room was nice, quite big, 2 beds, so big, that 2 people can sleep on 1 bed. The TV was small and didn't have any special programmes, but we didn't watch it anyway. The water comes from the mountains, that's why you can drink it from the tab. I only missed a toothpaste, since I forgot mine. The hotel provides you only with towels, soap and a shower cap. You have no blow dryer, so bring one, if you wanna wash your hair every day.

Well, the first and second day, we were exploring the place. It's basically 4 hotels connected together by various subways, underpasses, lifts and even trains. There's some kind of a plaza in the middle, where you have many trahsy immitations of the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel's tower and Big Ben. You even have a part that looks like Venice, with Gondolas, who run in circles (automatically) and with a fake Gondolier. It was amazing to me, that some people actually ride these things. Besides all these fake touristy stuff, there's a wide range of international food chains (KFC, McD, BK and Pizza Hut), asian food restaurants, coffee shops (Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Old Town) and almost all clothes and shoe brands. So if you wanna shop, there's plenty of opportunities, but the prices can be from modest up to very high. Food is also more expensive than the rest of Malaysia, for example, McD set costs about 50% more than usually. You also have a lot of souvenir shops, cinemas, bowling, snooker, video games, karaoke, a big concert hall with international singers and an outdoor theme park. So that's the reason why Genting is called 'City of entertaiment'.
Anyway, if your a gambler and a fan of cheap trashy entertainment, Genting is the best place for you. But for me, it doesn't have a great value, since I'm not a gambler and not into theme parks.

But I have to say, it was exciting for me, to experience the world of Casinos. It was my first time. In Genting, there's 3 casinos, small, medium and big. I've been in the last two. First we went to the medium one and it seemed quite big to me already. But when we entered the big one, whoa, it was enormous. And so many people, of whiche were 95% Chinese, the rest was Western, Indian and some Arabs, I think. Anyway, Chinese people love to gamble, I knew that already before, but when you see it in real, it's even more impressing. Many come from as far as China or Singapore. And besides gambling, many are looking for some cheap China girls, who would follow you to the room for small money. When my girlfriend's friend was gambling, I stood next to her. Suddenly a 50 something Chinese man started a conversation with her, thinking she was a China girl. So inbetween, he emptied his pockets like he was searching for something and put a bunch of hundred ringgits on the table, but we knew he was just showing off with his money. The whole thing stopped when she told him that she's a local girl. Chinese girls born in Malaysia and Chinese girls from China are two different worlds. It's a different mindset and different mentality. China girls have a bad reputation of being cheap and willing to do anything for small money, while Malaysian Chinese girls are the opposite.

So while the first day I was a mere observer, the second day I decided to gamble myslef. I broke my rule and said: Why not! Juts to try. So I set myself a limit of 50 ringgit, which is only 10 euros. So I changed to two 25rm chips and I played the Banker/Player game, which had a minimum bet of 25rm per game. And guess what: I won 300 ringgit! Inbetween I even reached 400rm, but then I lost 100 and stopped playing. I changed the chips for money, so I won about 60 euros. Not bad for a first time player. My girlfriend lost 200 rm in 2 days, her boss even lost many hundreds, which is crazy. I would never bet so much and gamble so extensively. I was very safe and only bet 25 per game, sometimes 50. So I slowly reached to 400. I wanted to see, if I can make some big money, but I soon recognized my limits, so I stopped at the right time. But I feel it's not bad, starting with 50 and winning 300. So I basically got the money back for my trip expenses. This was the highlight of the whole trip.

The next day we returned to Batu Pahat, it took us 7h, because we made several stops. I'm happy that it's over, because I was very tired yesterday. We gambled until 4am the night before. So today I'm just taking it easy.

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Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Mahjong 麻將

My favorite Chinese game

These days we play mahjong every day and all the time. It's crazy. We play for small amounts of money, but if you play for a long time, you can lose or win a lot. I'm already a bit tired, especially because we played 2 days until 5am... So now I try to recover. And also lately my luck has left me. But it's fun to play. It's just not fun to lose :)

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