Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

2008 is finally over!

I'm sure all the bloggers are now writing their personal resume of 2008. Well, I won't. You can browse through my previous posts to see how it was in 08 for me. I never expected I would still be writing this blog now, becasue I started blogging 2006 and I lost my interest after few posts.. This time is different. I've changed. Sometimes I have something on my mind, I just love to bring it 'on digital paper'. Anyway, I know this blog is not very famous or has many followers. But hey, the title is 'nino talking to himself'. So I don't really care who reads it. Not even my friends read it or my girlfriend. Ok, because I keep it 'under the radar', I haven't really posted many links to my blog on other websites. But..., I prefer it that way. I think there's so many blogs that are yet to be discovered. I hope mine will be something like that, too. Especially if one day I have children of my own. Let's say my children become teenagers somewhere between 2020 and 2030 (I persume) and one day they browse through their father's blog and say: Wow, dad, you started to write this blog so long ago, in 2008? Wow… That's like… ancient.

Because I'm someone who loves to look to the future and imagine how will life be in 2020 or 2050. I even wonder if I'm going to make it to 2060s. Will I still have this blog? Will it remain online? Will we actually still have internet the way we know it now? I mean, when I was a teenager, there was no 'ringtones', 'text messages', 'digital cameras' or 'laptops'… The most advanced thing was the TV. So sometimes I wonder how will we, as grandparents, somewhere in the 2050s, explain to our children, that we grew up without all these gadgets? I guess they won't be able to imagine an 'analog life'. Beacause frankly, I can't imagine it myself anymore… Sometimes I look back in the year 1997, when some people got their first cell phones. I thought they were just trying to impress others, trying to appear as very important. We used to make fun of them… One year later, more than half of the people had their cell phones already. I was resistant until the late year 2001. I don't regret it… Because frankly, I didn't need it at that time. But who knows, if I really need it these days…

So, we can't know, what will be in 50 years, but I'm happy I was there at the beggining of the digital era. I will have many stories to tell my grandchildren... Hmmm... But if I think, I guess they may check Wikipedia instead :-)

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