Kamis, 20 November 2008

Kluang, Malaysia

A small town in Johor

I've been to Kluang (Chinese 居銮) today, a small town in Malaysia. It really seemed small, but comparing to Slovenian towns, it would be considered a big town. It has 140.000 inhabitants, seems as if it had more than my native town of Maribor (110.000). But you walk around the place, it's really smaller than Maribor. So it made me think, how come it's so small in size, yet it has more inhabitants. The answer is simple: While in Slovenia we have a big house, yet only 2 or 3 people live in it, in Malaysia, houses are small and full of people, families can easily exceed 10 members (usually mum, dad, 3-5 children, grandma, maybe even some grand children). Then it's no wonder you don't see huge blocks, because there's no demand from the people. Sure, Kluang is less developed than Maribor and even less important. In fact, who ever heard of 'Kluang'? Only people in Malaysia and Singapore maybe. And some travellers who happened to travel around there.

Kluang is just a typical Malaysian small town: Crowded, dirty, but partly clean and neat, full of cars, hot, many shops, many shopping malls and with very friendly people. But you won't find anything special there, so if you go to Kluang, don't expect too much.

My photos of Kluang:

Taken in early morning from a top of a shopping mall garage.

Another view.

This is a new central shopping area.

Very colorful.

The lanes are wide here.

Typical Malaysian small town.

Hotel Anika.

The road out of town.

The old Kluang.

Interesting old house.

A backstreet, seen many of these in Malaysia.

A public park, not in the best condition.

Another road.

Another hotel.

Tropical rain in Kluang. It started pouring in the evening.

[My MALAYSIA page][All photos by MKL, 2008]

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