Senin, 08 September 2008

Sad but true: McCalin will probably win.

After being energized by US politics this year, I'm very disappointed now. Barack and Hillary had a tough fight in the primaries. Now we know: It did not help the Democrats. It did not help Barack. It helped the Republicans. Barack was the star of this whole year's politics, the front runner, while McCain would be somewhere in the back, usually very unlikely a target for real scrutiny. He knows how to use his age and history in his advance, playing the POW card, which looks good in the eyes of Americans. Especially if you compare a young intelligent black person to an old grey (sometimes forgetful and grumpy) old white man. The stress is on white. Race matters in America.
But it's a real mystery for me that Americans prefer to elect a dumb leader. Why would they think Barack is an elitist? Just because he is intelligent? I guess half of the Americans can't understand what he's saying. You can't give the Americans complex answers, keep it simple like drill drill drill. It's pathetic! After McCain spread all these cheap lies about Barack, he hired a joke for his VP! Sarah Palin, an unknown governer from Alaska, who's a phoney religious extremist with no experience and no solutions, spreading even more lies per second than McCain. America will definitely change! If they elect McCain/Palin, I think everybody will pray for the safety of John McCain. If something happens to him, USA will have a dumber president than George Bush. Can you believe it? She has no clue about economy and foreign policy, no wonder she wouldn't give any interviews! She's afraid of being exposed as a bimbo she is. It's such a bullshit! I mean the american politics. How can people fall for this kind of gimmicks? I just hope something will shift in these 2 months in people's heads. Please, America. For once elect an intelligent president. Look beyond the skin color and age. Please!
But realistically speaking, it'll be very hard for Barack. I almost don't believe in his victory anymore. It's depressing... America, don't ever push up a man so high and then drop him down on the floor. I thought America was different... Now I seem to have lost the faith in America. I watched the Democratic convention and I got all excited, but then I saw the next week the Republicans smeared, lied and mocked the Democrats. And... it worked. I don't know what it is that people believe McCain is an agent of change now... He keeps stealing Baracks ideas and at the same time leaning into the far right. It works. Cuz he will sell his soul to the devil just to get elected. Whatever! Let him bring America and the whole world in danger just to get elected. I think the American Empire must lose it's power, it's grown too big and too influential on the whole world. An American election is like a world election. Just that only some 100 million people decide about the rest of us. And imagining a bimbo as the strongest person in this world it's beyond my wildest fears. I'm just speechless when I see all these things developing right before my eyes. And we thought Bush was bad. Duh....

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